I’m troubled by this move. This is something that could be a harbringer of something not so good to come. Why would these rule changes come up now unless they expected trouble in 2016? It is like they are trying to put in place an insurance plan in the event Romney disappoints and is challenged in the future. If Romney is going to govern as a conservative and cut the size of government what are they worried about?
My thoughts exactly. This makes me really, really uneasy.
After what happened with Ted Cruz here in Texas and other races around the country, you better believe the Republocrats in charge of the GOP are going to try to kill this movement before 2016.
This has nothing to do with Paulbots (that’s their excuse, which is why they have placated them for so long) and everything to do with tea party conservatives, religous conservatives and Goldwater conservatives.
Your post gave me chills down my spine.