Romney and Ryan need to go out every day until the election and hammer away at Obama’s failed policies, and not be thrown off message by the constant Democrat distraction machine. Obama-Axelrod have been effective in making Romney take the bait over Bain, tax returns, etc.- this has to stop; he needs to shut out all that and stay focused:
Remember when the Democrats bleated away in ‘06 about how it was the “worst economy since Herbert Hoover” (even though the unemployment rate was often under 5%...), or how Obama constantly repeated the line, “We can’t have four more years of the failed policies of George W. Bush...” in ‘08? Romney needs to apply the same tactic in going after Obama. I know some Republicans frown on repeating statements (because they think it’s beneath them, or childish, or whatever... but it works).
Romney needs to go on the offensive on the economy to remind voters- and I would use that line, “failed policies of Barack Obama” repeatedly- just to irritate Obama. There are still a fair amount of voters who think that there isn’t much difference between Obama and Romney on the economy- Romney and Ryan need to create a stark contrast and put Obama on the defensive.
Rasmussen has Obama winning independents by 10 points. If that is true Romney will lose but that’s a big if. In exit polling he won independents by 8 points in 2008. Am I expected to believe that he has increased his margin with independents while incomes has declined, unemployment is over 8% and gas is past 4 bucks a gallon. Nah, can’t be true.
BTW, any poll that doesn’t release the crosstabs should be summarily dismissed, including Rasmussen.