That may be a factor. Well... most of knew the trouble Akin would cause by remaining a festering sore rather than leaving.
most of *us* knew
I bet its the effect of Akin and his puppeteer, Huckabee. Neither has enough sense, or cares, that they will not only help us lose the presidency, but also any chance that the Supreme Court would put the slightest limits on abortion.
The Todd Akin effect
That may be a factor. Well... most of knew the trouble Akin would cause by remaining a festering sore rather than leaving.
If that's it then it's not too worrisome. Can Akin really be what people will be thinking about when they pull they lever?
On the other hand, Obama is running tons of ads saying Romney-Ryan are ending Medicare. Actually they say "the nonpartisan expert AARP says are ending Medicare". Now if that's the cause of Obama taking a lead and they can't respond effectively it's a big problem. They have to go heavy on that in the convention speeches and not let up. They pretty much have to destroy the credibility of AARP and the idea they're non-partisan.