The only similarity between Katrina and Isaac will be the media blaming both storms on Republicans.
On Fox this AM, reporting was that it would make landfall as a Cat 1 with 90 MPH winds, but since it's a very slow moving storm, rainfall amounts are going to be 12"+ in some locations. So a large storm surge like Katrina is not likely, but with all that rain, there will be a lot of flooding.
I think the networks will use this as an excuse to relive Katrina. Since Isaac won't rival it, they'll have to keep viewers attention with Katrina. And of course, any coverage of Katrina won't be complete without pinning the entire blame for the aftermath on GWB.
The last week has provided two glitzy wrapped gifts for Obama - Todd Akin and now Katrina Lite.
This is the best of both worlds for the MSM.
They will totally ignore the Republican convention and “over-report” a cat 1 hurricane, 24/7.
If however, it grows stronger and decimates NOLA and it becomes another FEMA cluster, under Obama’s watch, well hey, there is a Republican convention to cover and all during their coverage of the convention they can blame problems with THIS hurricane on Bush failures during Katrina.
THey will constantly instersperse coverage of the hurricane with the Republican convention and REMIND viewers of the Katrina devastation and “Bush failures.”
And you know the MSM and the dems are dancing a happy dance right now, SO HAPPY that a hurricane is coming, probably praying it will be bad enough to
a- take away attention from Romney and the GOP convention
b- give Obama a crisis to make himself look like a leader
c- give Obama a chance to blow some more money on NOLA and run up the debt another trillion dollars
d- remind the viewers of Katrina and Bush