And, each one better than the person they lost to.
Get them in the next primary, but, don't go over to the dark side.
It seems that Conservatives have a penchant for trying to install “far right” folks, because they are like preachers selling virtue. The more right, the more “virtuous.” Take Ron Paul. Hard to argue about most of his positions, but the sad fact of the matter is that he hasn’t ever passed any significant legislation, so tell me just what good does he do? There are a lot of “right thinking” people in the Congress who do get valuable stuff done, and there are a lot more who claim to be Republicans who’ve done a lot of damage. Sharron Angle was a scourge in the Nevada State Legislature. An unbending person who wanted it all her way or nothing! Now that may appeal to the far right, but it doesn’t get the country anywhere. Conservatives need to run people who are electable. The people you mention are/were unelectable and yet the looney tunes who put them up and supported them, would do it all over again even knowing that they don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting them elected! In that respect, they are no different that the looney left. Every time the looney left gets enough power, they go about their business trying to do the same stuff that didn’t work the last time the country entrusted its business to them. The only difference I can see is that the looney right never gets the chance because nothing in their platform includes a free lunch.