It matters little what people now say he should or shouldn't do. He's in this thing to the end...
In case anyone wonders what the PCA reference means, here are two posts on what it means that Akin is a conservative, a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary, and an elder in the Presbyterian Church in America:
Todd Akin is a PCA member and Covenant Seminary graduate
Being a Pastor and Speaking Out in Todays Culture
By Dr. Michael Milton, Chancellor, Reformed Theological Seminary
Personally, I'm a member of an even more conservative denomination, the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. The PCA is too broadly evangelical for me, but I'm the first one to say that both of our denominations have their problems.
To prove that Democrats can get some things right, go read Senator Webb's work on the Scots-Irish role on the settlement of the American frontier. One could make a good argument that Scottish blood makes Old School Presbyterians a pretty ornery bunch, and that's Webb's view. I personally think it has much more to do with a very high view of the role of the Old Testament that is shared by Calvinists whether they're Scots Presbyterians, English Puritans, Dutch Reformed, Swiss Reformed, Hungarian Reformed, Korean Presbyterians, or any of the other ethnic groups which have come to have large percentages of Calvinists either now or at some point in their history.
Too bad the Missouri Presbytery isn't one of the hard-core conservative presbyteries in the PCA. Akin might generate a lot of visitors to PCA churches when people realize the PCA is the Presbyterian equivalent of the Southern Baptist Convention -- a strongly conservative evangelical denomination that generally sticks to its guns about core beliefs. If he wins this election, I hope the PCA asks him to lead a seminar on Christian involvement in politics at the 2013 General Assembly, with all the media attention that will generate. Given the nonsense being done by the wacko liberals in the PC(USA), conservative Calvinists need some publicity, and Akin has overnight become the best-known Reformed political figure in the United States. Now we just need to be known for not eating baked feet for breakfast.
Fortunately most Calvinists are far more articulate than Akin was last weekend.