Now more than ever conservatives need Free Republic to promote conservative activism, making certain that only true, bona fide conservatives get elected.
Free Republic has been open for business 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for years.
The daily maintenance of the large web servers, all the back-up systems, the memory storage for the huge archives all built and maintained solely by John Robinson is very expensive. Jim Robinson himself, far too often sleep deprived, works very hard in his dedication to maintain this huge site for conservatives.
As conservatives in the past four years living under the Obama administration, we have all learned the hard lessons caused by running systems on the cheap, robbing Peter to pay Paul, trying to get something for nothing, scrimping here to save a dollar there. TANSTAFL = There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
That's why Free Republic needs donations from real conservatives like you, to help keep this premiere conservative website open for business.
That is excellent, bd476!