I'm reading the book "Bonhoeffer" by Eric Metaxes. It is a very scary book about how the liberal feel-good churches are so easily corrupted by the political zeitgeist. Very apropos to today's political scene.
Bonhoeffer was one of very few Christian philosophers and Pastors and teachers who were not taken in by the Nazi philosophy that swept over Germany. If you are a history buff it is a must read. I really didn't know how far the German Church descended into hell, all the while trying to maintain that they were Christians.
Interestingly Nazis were pro-homosexual and many of the worst Nazis were pretty much openly homosexual - or at least AC/DC.
Wow. Thanks, P-M. I'll get it right away.
The forum would benefit from a brief book review as a freeper ed area.
I've read nearly all of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's books and consider him one of the giants of Christian thought.
You are very right that Bonhoeffer, most notably along with Catholic Bishop von Galen of Münster(he gave a series of sermons publicizing the Akton T4 euthanasia program), lead a dedicated resistance of Christians who understood that Nazism was pure evil no matter what supposed Christian "leaders" said.