To: Buck-I-Guy
I disagree. The MSM will beat this drum until the election. Every Republican candidate will be asked whether he/she agrees that there are "legitimate" rapes and therefor there is such a thing as an illegitimate rape. They will be asked if they agree with his cracked theory of biology. They will be asked repeatedly about abortion in rape cases.
This will be used to get us completely off message and on the defensive. This is the most important election since 1980 and that moron has to go for the good of the country.
To: colorado tanker
I don’t get this. Why can’t the republican party of Missouri just dump him? He is not the party, he is its representative.
48 posted on
08/21/2012 4:28:12 PM PDT by
(Islamic terrorists are members the "ROP", the "religion of pu*&ies")
To: colorado tanker
Why isn’t anyone asking Whoopi if legitamate rape is the same as rape rape.
64 posted on
08/22/2012 5:34:13 AM PDT by
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