You must not find a lot of humor in your day...
I would venture Romney would find Leno's line funny. And then Romney would quip back with something about Leno.
That's what Reagan would have done.
Thanks for confirming your poor judgment and lack of discernment.
It’s not about one single joke. It’s about the avalanche of never-ending propaganda.
I don’t remember ANY other pResident getting the kid gloves that O’Bastard has gotten. Even Clinton was fodder for many late night comedy jokes. And I’ve laughed plenty at good jokes about the right.
I bet in the four years that O’Barky has been pResident, Leno has told something like 3-4 jokes a night at the expense of conservatives and 1 weekly “cute” joke about Obama. Even the Obama almost always comes out as the good guy in the joke. It’s the crazy world or people around him that might take the hit. Not Obama.
Take off the blinders.
5 nights a week + 4 jokes a night + 4 years = 4,160 jokes about the right.
1 week + 1 joke + 4 years = 208 “cute” jokes for Obama.
4160 to 208...that is propaganda.
Not to mention, all the fawning that goes on during the rest of the show.