Some candidates and their supporters become blinded and start believing God will save the day for them if they just pray a whole bunch. They lose all perspective and can't see political realities for what they are.
Akin has voted the right way most of the time in the past, but this Senate seat is bigger than he is. We need to take this seat from the Democrats. Period. That means putting up the most conservative candidate that CAN win. Fair or not, Akin can't win so he has to go.
Pure Rovian logic. Karl was against Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Sharron Angel, and Christine O'Donnell. Their crime was defeating in the primaries the Establishment's pick. Now in Missouri, if Akin withdraws, the Establishment will pick the candidate, not the people. Akin was conservative enough to win the primary. What good is it to elect a RINO to the Senate? We have enough there already.
And there is no guarantee that whomever is selected will win. Many Akin supporters may not like being disenfranchised. 217,000 (36%) voted for Akin in the primary.
Wise words. Akin is toast. The only question is if he is willing to burn the house down as well. His comments are beyond retrieval and the argument based upon dueling medical experts will just cost the GOP even more votes, particularly female votes.