Anthony Weiner was tossed by the Dem establishment.
Akin is just a bonehead . . There are plenty of conservatives in Missouri that can do better. There is no need to circle the wagons around him.
And you are comparing a verbal gaffe with Weiner sending out pictures of his weiner? No doubt Weiner will be rehabilitated by the Dems in much the same way that Eliot Spitzer and Clinton were.
Loyalty begets loyalty. Join the rabid herd stampeded by the MSM to destroy someone who had an exemplary record and strong sense of decency. Maybe the Left and the MSM don't like him because of his religiousity. Sort of like that head of Chick fil A who had skewed family values, i.e., he believes that marriage is between a man and a woman No wonder Rahm Emanuel said he didn't have Chicago values.