Goldman Sachs is a crony partner of the Obama administration. Goldman bought controlling interest in CARRIX, the largest cargo moving company in the world, and has been busy working to build “Gateway” terminals in this country and around the world. Gateways are part of the Agenda 21, Wildlands Project, which attempts to limit (actually reduce) the rural population of the US, and move the rural population into the cities, while creating multi-modal transportation corridors to move people and cargo through the rural areas, and limit human incursions. The idea is to reverse the economic trends and human migration trends, sending US natural resources to developing countries, where the manufacturing and jobs will be created.
A big part of the plan is to divert trade away from the Mississippi River by increasing rail lines to the west coast and building more terminals on the west coast to ship resources and food to Asia. Goldman Sachs is helping and is getting our tax dollars to do it.