” Robots don’t have unions who’ll strike, shut down production, and demand more. They don’t need Obomacare. They don’t need vacation days. They don’t need disability payments. They don’t need unemployment insurance. “
One other thing that robots don’t do - they don’t go out and spend their paychecks on manufactured goods...
Yeah, well, the earth has been found wanting. Man kind always seems to work toward it's own demise.
Eventually, man will be forced to figure it all out. The only way for man to remain free is to get back to the soil and care for himself, his family, provide a service for the community, and take care of ONLY the truly needy. He doesn't need a politician, or anyone else, to rule over him.
This is what our founding fathers were trying to tell us. If we allow ourselves to be controlled or indebted to anybody, we become their slaves. We suffer the consequences of our own actions.
It's a little late to repair all the damage we've done now, but the coming, unwanted world economic collapse will do it for us. Not until man kind has lost everything will it be truly happy. The happiness - freedom - will be given once again, but it'll be up to man to keep it.