I am not a Catholic—but I am a Christian -and a Patriot. and near as I can figure “marriage” under American Law from the time when James Wilson taught American Law at the College of Philadelphia and said one consequence of “marriage” under our law is the two become one. ...until Mass. violated Law and Reason to allow same sex marriage— I don’t know of any State that recognized the fraud of same sex marriage. The State will do what it will but it seems to me as well having studied to become a Pastor —the Holy Bible is very clear “marriage” as defined by Moses in Genesis 1:27/2:24 ;Jesus of Nazareth Mark 10:6-8/Matthew 19:4-9; and the apostle Paul 1 Cor.6;8-11, 15-20 How is it they three all used the same definition of “marriage” and if ours differs from theirs by what authority do we change scripture?—or turn from it?
MA is a state with a long history of thought policing, force and witchcraft. They’re diabolical in their belief in the rightness of their cause. They believe it unto death...yours that is.
StonyBurk: your comments touch upon something I noticed quite a while ago - there is really nothing in the U.S.Constitution regarding marriage. Religion has the authority to decide what is marriage in this country, not government. The deciding factor in Federal government interference was polygamy practiced by the LDS.
Now the state governments, that is another story. The Federalists meant for the individual states to be “laboratories” for social, cultural, and governmental change.
If a person or group didn’t like what was happening in one state, they could always move to another.
So, in effect, the decisions over homosexual marriage should be decided in the several states.
(I suspect that after a few years, any such amendments approved will be rescinded. Just a hunch.)
freeangel: you’re correct about pro-homosexualists no longer being Catholic. In truth, they are no longer Christian, either.