Perhaps you interpret and internalize it that way, but that's your responsiblity. I'm not responsible if you choose to be insulted.
Now, I would be condescending and insulting if I described as "childish" the naive fantasty of "voting against Obama," the pathetic rationale of people who despise Romney but who are voting for him anyway, and who deny that they're voting FOR him -- no indeed, they're voting "against" Obama, as if such a unicorn option existed.
Now, THAT would be condescending and insulting if I pointed out that indulging in such a fantasy is child-like.
Meanwhile, Doug, you are urging conservatives to elect a Republican president who was the original author of ObamaCare, who thinks global warming is serious enough to merit international oversight on American industry, who agrees in principle that adoption agencies, the military, and the Boy Scouts should have to accommodate homosexuals, who appointed, in a three-to-four ratio, activist Democrat liberal judges, and who willfully created on-demand tax-funded abortion.
Excuse me if I think anyone who asks me to vote FOR that, for a guy with a solid, documented RECORD of advancing all the things I've been voting Republican all my life to oppose, is just a tad INSULTING himself, not to mention desperately deluded and frightened.
I am likely not voting for Romney because California is not in play. I disagree with him profoundly. What I have tried to do is wake people up who think there is no difference and it really doesn’t matter if Obama gets another four years to destroy this country. Standing on principles is noble, but be prepared for the consequences.
Some believe that Obama will be so destructive that it will be a redux of Reagan replacing Carter. Unfortunately, I believe that Obama’s policies will lead to economic collapse and martial law in this country. He will suspend the Constitution, the document for which he has utter disdain and which has not prevented him from doing whatever he wants to do.
If we elect enough conservatives with huevos, they will fight a President Romney; we will join in the fight. A fight against Obama is different. He has no rules. We have seen that. We have seen how his attorney general performs.
Vote for whom you wish out of principle. But if this nation collapses around us, as I fear it will, I do not want to hear from people who said there was no difference and it didn’t matter. I will tell those people to enjoy what was once America and STFU because their naivete was part of the problem.