In 1992 CNN was the only news organization that had the gravitas and the people on the ground to be the ‘go to’ news organization. Now there is no news organization, I can turn on to get an honest news story. And do not for God’s sake say; Fox News. The thought of Shepard Smif or any of their “opinion journalist” doing a breaking big news story makes me want to barf. Maybe a Roger Ailes at CNN could resuscitate it.
Yeah, the first time I watched Fox News I was amazed, it actually was “fair and balanced”. I was even convinced for a while that it leaned slightly to the right. Now I see it as merely a foil for the others like MSNothingButCrap. It is amazing to see them point to Fox as the demonic news source possessed by extreme right wing devils when many conservatives have stopped watching Fox because it is TOO MUCH LIKE MSNBC. Shep is a clown as is BOR and Hannity is too much like a kiddie show to be taken seriously. Hannity on the radio is bizarre with the same black Democrat callers constantly telling Hannity how wrong he is but they love him dearly anyway while he gives them free gifts for calling in and making no sense. This is interspersed with repetitions of how Hannity worked so hard to get through school. I hardly ever turn on a radio any longer, there is no music worth hearing and now almost no talk worth hearing.