How much of this mad consumerism and inability to plan for the future is a result of the natural preference for the here and now as opposed to the future and how much is driven by a government school system designed to create consumerism?
Schools work to make kids dumber so that they can becomes pawns to business and political management. The goal isn’t liberty, but control.
The government schools are godless in their worldview. Children who attend must think and reason godlessly just to cooperate in the classroom. So?...If there is not God, and no afterlife, of course there will be focus on merely the present satisfaction of wants.
Government schooling is not now, and never was, religiously neutral because a religiously, politically, and culturally education is impossible. And....The consequences of government education are not neutral either.
“How much of this mad consumerism and inability to plan for the future is a result of the natural preference for the here and now as opposed to the future and how much is driven by a government school system designed to create consumerism?”
The problem is more on the government side, than the government school side. If anything a dumber citizen is qualified for little more than some sort of government job - which, ironically, is the “smart” move when government penalizes folks who produce to pay for the folks who do not produce.