I'll have to take issue with that.
Mobsters have limits even they won't go past, and internal rules of conduct.
Legislatures? Not so much.
[ Mobsters have limits even they won’t go past, and internal rules of conduct. ]
Really.. you don’t much about mobs.. which all operate much like muslims..
Islam is mob central.. Mob University...
Muslims DO NOT harm other muslims.. UNLESS....
They are the wrong muslims...
MoMo said.. “If a muslim changes his religion, “KILL HIM”...
Its that way in all mobs.. even democracy..
Which is by the way Mob Rule by mobsters..
NO democracy has ever yet been democratic.. nor can it be..
Democracy is a lie.. that most are brain washed with..
Democrats are “the Mob” that are FOR Mob Rule..
Trying to be Bi-partisan is completely delusional..
Many republicans are quite insane..
No democrat is ever Bi-partisan UNLESS he has already lost whatever it is..