Bring it the f*ck on, bitch. We’ll be there to stuff your *ss in a sack and toss it from the first available bridge.
I sincerely hope the black panthers would show up at my voting place. Nothing could please me more. I’d have to take the day off from work, but I’d be happy to make that sacrifice.
I HOPE blacks riot at the Repub convention and I hope it gets 24/7 nationwide coverage. That out to seal the deal for the white boys.
Might need a lift for that little chore.
I’m expecting the OWS crowd (which Obama, Pelosi and Reid endorsed), and some New Black Panthers to stir up sh!t at the RNC convention...
.........but I’m quite certain that the Tea Party won’t reciprocate at the DNC convention. So cop cars in Charlotte are safe from being sh!t upon.
If you’re gonna put her behind in a sack to toss you’ll have to make it a supersize. Make sure to get a team of muscle men to manhandle it over the side and offer to pay for any hernias obtained.