If this isn’t fraternizing with the enemy, what is? He should be run out of office for this alone. Had our roles been reversed, can you imagine this happening anywhere in the Moslem world?
Taqiyya and Kitman: The role of Deception in Islamic Terrorism
Reader comment on item: Islamists, Get Out
Submitted by Donald Hudson (Singapore), Sep 1, 2005 at 11:35
Tradecraft. Persona. Deception. Disinformation. Cover: Western operational terms and techniques.
But, Islamic terrorists have their own terms: taqiyya (pronounced tak-e-ya):
precautionary dissimulation or deception and keeping one’s convictions secret and a synonymous term, kitman: mental reservation and dissimulation or concealment of malevolent intentions...
Taqiyya and kitman or ‘holy hypocrisy’ has been diffused throughout Arabic culture for over fourteen hundred years since it was developed by Shiites as a means of defence and concealment of beliefs against Sunni unbelievers. As the Prophet said: ‘he who keeps secrets shall soon attain his objectives.’
The skilful use of taqiyya and kitman was often a matter of life and death against enemies; it is also a matter of life and death to many contemporary Islamic terrorists. As so often in the history of Islam, a theological doctrine became operational.
During the Spanish inquisition, Sunni Moriscos attended mass and returned home to wash their hands of the ‘holy water’.
In operational terms, taqiyya and kitman allowed the ‘mujahadeen ‘ to assume whatever identity was necessary to fulfill their mission; they had doctrinal and theological and later jurisprudential sanction to pretend to be Jews or Christians to gain access to Christian and Jewish targets: ‘the mujahadeen can take the shape of the enemy’.
According to Christian ethics lying is a sin; In Islamic jurisprudence and theology, the use of taqiyya against the unbelievers is regarded as a virtue and a religious duty.
Like many Islamic concepts taqiyya and kitman were formed within the context of the Arab-Islamic matrix of tribalism, expansionary warfare and conflict.
Taqiyya has been used by Muslims since the 7th century to confuse and split ‘the enemy’. A favored tactic was ‘deceptive triangulation’; to persuade the enemy that jihad was not aimed at them but at another enemy. Another tactic was to deny that there was jihad at all. The fate for such faulty assessments by the target was death.
Islamic Tactics of Taqqiya teaches Muslims to practise Deception , Fraud & Double Standards to spread Islam
Reader comment on item: In 1796, U.S. Vowed Friendliness With Islam
in response to reader comment: How about Muslim intentions?
Submitted by Boura (India), Nov 9, 2006 at 22:11
Islamic Tactics of Taqqiya teaches Muslims to practise Deception , Fraud & Double Standards to spread Islam :-
Whatever US may do to help Muslims and Arabs , they will always blame America for their problems.
Muslims always use double standards to cheat Non Muslims.
Even Koran Teaches the Islamic Tactics of Taqqiya which allows muslims to use deception to spread Islam.
Oil Rich Gulf Muslim countries are spreading their money on buying latest Military hardware , F-16 , Machine guns , War ships and offcourse secret program to build nuclear weapons.
This enormous amount of money and resources could be used to resettle “ so called Palestinian Muslim Brethren “ in the empty lands of Sinai desert ( Egypt) or in Rub al Khali area of Saudi Arabia .
Arabs will pay and reward to families of suicide bombers but they are not willing to invest in modern & carrer oriented education in middle east. and the education which is provided by Saudi Funded Wahabi Schools and seminraies will only help muslim children to become Suicide Bombers , Terrorists , Murderers or Clerics.
Wahabi Islam / Militant Islam / Jihadist Islam / Radical Islam is infact mainstream Islam which is practised or atleast supported by 99 % of Muslims in the world. so Islam is Islam and its dangerous , there is no sense in fooling ourselves by classifying Islam into categories.
A Time will come when West ( or infact rest of the world ) will have to collide with Islam head on.
There will be no more options left .
Remember the fact that Islam and Freedom cannot coexist peacefully.
Islam is biggest threat to humanity and its more dangerous than Hitler led Nazi Germany or Stalin led Soviet Union.
We have to realise and prepare to fight and win the long war against Islam.
Biographical Sketch of Daniel Pipes
Daniel Pipes is president of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. His bi-weekly column appears regularly in the National Review and in newspapers around the globe, including the Jerusalem Post and Yisrael ha-Yom (Israel), Al-Akhbar (Iraq), Die Welt (Germany), La Razón (Spain), Liberal (Italy), National Post (Canada), and the Australian..
His website, DanielPipes.org, offers an archive of his work and an opportunity to sign up to receive e-mails of his current writings. With 60 million page visits, it is of the Internet’s most accessed sources of specialized information on the Middle East and Islam.