Rush played it today.
Something everyone should consider is they most people have payed into medicare most of their working life. Now, Obama is taking it away from you without your permission and spending it on something else. I think it’s around $700 Billion. Will we stand for this?
It is important for a Liar that they can remember the lies they told.
Obama and Company lie and don’t seem to care when they get caught in them, because the Media will not expose them.
Todays Media is owned and operated in the same way the media was operated in Hitlers Germany.They ignore journalism and work for the democrats.
Right at the beginning of this tape he states no federal dollars will pay for abortions.
Under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortion!
Simple principle this is a health care bill, not an abortion bill. We are not seeking in funding for abortion!
Watch the beginning!
The Donks raided Medicare just like they raided social security.
hahahahahahahhhaaahaheehoooheehahahah Obe must hate sound bites hahahahaha