Romney’s advisor: The two laws are, in the words of Jonathan Gruber, who helped design both the Romney and Obama plans, the same f***ing bill.
youtube video of Gruber: said he advised on both bills.
Maybe just maybe Romney did not know his advisers on his government mandated insurance bill also consulted on Obama’s, I do not know.
Maybe just maybe the MSM has exaggerated Romney’s roll, I do not know.
What I do know is that ObamaCare is modeled after RomneyCare.
There is much information on RomneyCare vs ObamaCare, and Romney’s advisers saying they advised, consulted, wrote both bills.
I know a few people from MA and they are not thrilled with the healthcare bill, it is costing more with fewer services and bill are still uninsured.
However, I live in California so it does not matter who I vote, for president, for this state has already been bought by Obama.