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To: randita
In the end it is 100% about turnout and this will be determined by which Party constituency is more highly motivated. To that point the Republicans have received a shot in the arm and Ryan will be an asset to the ticket.

If the Obama team persists in their negative and personal attacks while Romney/Ryan preach the “Return of America” theme and do it effectively their message will be more favorably received.

70 posted on 08/12/2012 6:32:39 AM PDT by beenaround
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To: beenaround

There is another benefit to the pick of Ryan for VP that I just realized.

I don’t think Obama wanted to start in earnest on the Mediscare, throw Granny off the cliff campaign until the last few weeks of the campaign.

There’s only so much fear mongering you can do until people just turn it off and don’t take it seriously any longer. You just can’t keep people roiled in fear for three months.

If you’re an incumbent, this is the time to do warm and fuzzy ads, not scare people to death.

Ryan has caused them to embark on the scare tactics way ahead of schedule. They’re going to blow through a bunch more money before people are even paying attention.

Consensus is that negative ads work, but I contend that an entire campaign based on attack ads will turn people off. Also, if there are killer ads, they have to come at the right time - like a week or two before an election.

178 posted on 08/12/2012 9:55:44 AM PDT by randita (Either the politicians fix our fiscal insanity, or the markets will.)
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