THe only violence that needs control is Government. Our Founding Fathers knew what an evil over-regulating church can wrought and what real peace and pastoral life was all about.
I am tired of those psychos. We need to control them.
Trayvon, Loughner, Karl Marx, Ivan, their handlers, Hitler, Stalin, Obama, Holmes, Holder, Hillary and, yes, the Sikh temple murderer, are all one and the same type of revolutionaries who all have thoughts of never being wrong and always being right. They are a culture petri dish from hell, all children of satan. They always blame somebody else, or, worse, an inanimate object, to hide their evil and indulgences and “rights” and other fantasies that Kenya built America.
This is not about “gay marriage” or fairness, this is about intransigeance, imposture, crime and crazies.
Trofim Lysenko - “...Though for a period the Soviet government under Stalin continued its support of agricultural scientists, after 1935 the balance of power abruptly swung towards Lysenko and his followers. Lysenko was put in charge of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Soviet Union and made responsible for ending the propagation of “harmful” ideas among Soviet scientists. Lysenko served this purpose by causing the expulsion, imprisonment, and death of hundreds of scientists and eliminating all study and research involving Mendelian genetics throughout the Soviet Union. This period is known as Lysenkoism. He bears particular responsibility for the persecution of his predecessor and rival, prominent Soviet biologist Nikolai Vavilov, which ended in 1943 with the imprisoned Vavilov’s death by starvation. In 1941 Lysenko was awarded the Stalin Prize.”....