My neighbors across the street and down the block are a homo couple. I pray for them but hate to think about what they do as a matter of daily living.
Disgusting stuff.
I will try to watch the film you mentioned just to expand my knowledge of such...don't know if I can get through it.
And the funny thing is that I can watch violent films and exorcist films (particularly with Anthony Hopkins) all day long with no worries.
But this butt buddy stuff is evil beyond compare.
It’s not very visually graphic [movies weren’t so vulgar back then] but a lot is said and the ‘bar scene’ is nasty and scary.
The most interesting thing about the film that Pacino is a cop undercover because of a homo murder and you watch him slowly descend into the culture and its madness.
He’s a really good actor and he conveys the morbid allure of it with great intensity.
He winds up very confused and freaked out.
I would imagine real homosexuals aren’t fans of the film because it portrays homosexuality as a dark, scary, dangerous lifestyle into which even good, decent family men can become entrapped.
[then again, they probably didn’t get past the open-backed chaps and leather to see the actual plot]