Is this right? I am Type II. As I understand it, Type I is where the pancreas produces no insulin because the islet cells have all died off or have been damaged.
Type II diabetics have functioning pancreas insulin production but the cells cannot use it because the insulin cannot make the transition at the receptor sites.
So how does a vaccine increase insulin production in a body that has no mechanism for doing so?
The theory was that Type II diabetics produced enough insulin ~ maybe more than enough ~ but they couldn't metabolize it. Then they found Type IIs with less insulin than expected.
Anything that can get your pancreas to produce enough insulin is a doggone good thing ~ even for many Type II diabetics.
BTW, Glucophage (metaformin) works to enhance insulin use but it also stimulates growth of new brain tissue! Couple of thousand mg pills a day, carefully spaced, ought to keep your motor neurons in shape until you just fall over from worn out joints.
“So how does a vaccine increase insulin production in a body that has no mechanism for doing so?”
This seems to indicate that the theory that in diabetes type 1 the pancreas is unable to produce insulin is INCORRECT.
It seems to indicate that something is preventing the pancreas from producing insulin and if you kill that something, that the BCG vaccine seems to do, then your pancreas can return to normal.
Type II is INSTANTLY cured in most cases by gastric bypass surgery **ON THE OPERATING TABLE** not because of the later weight loss. Google it, you’ll find hundreds of articles.
I’m working on getting qualified for my operation.