Barry probably had a flash-back of his shabby treatment of Paul Ryan, when he invited Ryan to one of his meaningless speeches on how he was going to fix the debt crisis. W
With Ryan prominently seated, Barry attacked him and his budget plan in front of the press and Democrat audience who gobbled up this “dissing” of Ryan by the thug from Chicago.
I’ll bet he thought of that moment today. When he thought he was so clever...and he never is.
“With Ryan prominently seated, Barry attacked him and his budget plan in front of the press and Democrat audience who gobbled up this dissing of Ryan by the thug from Chicago. Ill bet he thought of that moment today.”
It’s kind of like the talk my brother and I had with
my 13 year old nephew.
Some of the girls you know now that are rather plain
will blossom in the next four years so be careful
how you treat them because WOMEN never forget a slight
and it could come back to haunt you later when you
would like to develop a relationship with them.
Obama has burned a lot of bridges and a lot of
people AREN’T going to forget.