“Ryan wont sell in Florida”
Rubio will do that. He is still campaigning for Romney. Get a grip, we’re winning Florida.
BTW, the youth is not going to turn out for the assclown Kenyan this time.
BTW, the youth is not going to turn out for the assclown Kenyan this time.That is 100% Spot On.
I know they're ticked as our two daughters, especially our youngest and her friends are that 'Youth'. And her friends who may have or did vote vote for Barry last time are not happy campers now -- They've been LIED to, and they know it. They're pretty much all 'under-employed'. That BS and BA degree they have means diddle now, except for what they owe for it. And they know they're going to have to pay it - no 'amnesty for them'. Now matter what lies Barry spews.Bottom line -- they loathe Obama and his big living mama.Included nn that group are the 'youth' with BSEd and BAEd degrees who've only been able to get TA Jobs and had the 'pleasure' of experiencing Union BS and verbal thuggery first hand by their NEA Teacher 'superiors'. So now they're anti-union too. (they have to pay Union Dues but get NO NEA benefits, like Pay or Healthcare.)