Ryan is a RINO & the ultimate washington insider..
There are better choices out there.
He will attract women and youth votes, he is good looking.
His kids are small, so no pregnancy or wild kids.
His wife is a tax attorney, her B’friends may show up.
Ryan is a RINO?
Have you been dipping onto the shrooms?
Ryan is a conservative in every way! I like this choice!
Ryan is the furthest thing from a Washington insider possible for a member of congress.
GOP-e bullied him bigtime when he first came in and he stood his ground against them.
Yup....and all we are going to hear is medicare, medicare, medicare. And the dems ALWAYS win on this issue.
How So?
To some of the people here it would seem that Reagan would be a RINO. How about we nominate Attila the Hun he is pretty right wing. Is that right enough for you? Of course he probably doesn't even have a FAKE Hawaii Birth Certificate. Of course he is also dead which could be a real problem.
Ryan is a REALIST and a Conservative Republican. He is wicked smart. He is 100% Pro-life, 100% Pro-tarditional marriage, a practicing Roman Catholic and a damn fine Congressman who just happens to be the budget committee chairman.
He is a good choice and solidifies the base.