Yep, it's that ol' Constitutional thing again, though some think the Constitution and following it is garbage. Being born here isn't enough to be President, at least not to the FFs.
Nope, no "bither koolaid", just a love for the Constitution and the original intent of the FFs. That oath thing isn't going to go away for me.
I'm sorry you and others have so diluted the Constitution that it's almost meaningless. I hope you and the nation can get better.
Just so you know, unless you have something from the FFs themselves, there is nothing you are going to say that will talk people who believe as I do out of this fight.
The answer you'll get is, "On this issue, I know I'm right and history agrees."
Lot's of us were cheated out of a good education, but it's not too late. Do the research. It is very rewarding and will inspire a deeper understanding and love of America. Win-win.
“Being born here isn’t enough to be President”
The Constitution and the courts disagree with you. Madison has a quote explicitly disagreeing with you. you are woefully misinformed. Indiana birther court case debunks you 100%.
“there is nothing you are going to say that will talk people who believe as I do out of this fight. “
Exactly. you are wrong and stubbornly wrong. Arguing with your incorrect view is wasted bandwidth.
So ... bye.