Not to take (anything) from your analysis. It is good.
However how does that change, if Hillary is the Dem’s VP nominee?
Just asking. Still prefer Sarah Palin.
Certainly it changes things if they replace the gutter snipe Biden with Mrs. Clinton.
A match-up of Rep. Ryan against Biden truly borders on the immoral abuse of the mentally retarded. I can picture the vice presidential debates where Rep. Ryan calmly explains that to do nothing with Medicare is to destroy it, that the Obama regime's plan for Medicare is essentially to leave it unchanged in its essential form, and that therefore, the Obama/Biden plan is to destroy it. Or bankrupt the country to avoid doing so.
And then the slithering creature Biden will huff and puff and lie and bluster, foam at the mouth, tell folks that you have to be Indian to own a 7-11, go off on a tangent on why it's reasonable that the Secret Service is paying him $12,000 per year rent to guard him on his own property, and will look like the idiot he is.
But against Mrs. Clinton, in that she can actually read, write, and add and subtract without the use of fingers and toes, Rep. Ryan will have to work a little harder.
Nonetheless, she has a long record of “more of the same,” and I think that folks can be made to understand that “more of the same” isn't what's going to fix the American economy, health care, or anything.
Disclaimer: I'm not promoting Rep. Ryan above other potential candidates. I think Rep. Ryan is a great, great guy, and would be a great vice presidential candidate. But I think strong cases can be made for other candidates, too, and Rep. Ryan is not without possible weaknesses as a candidate. I'm merely repeating what I've heard from sources somewhat closer to the action than I am.