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To: ReformationFan
From a project I have been working on with some comments added.... What homosexual agenda?

Despite denial that existed for decades spewing from every media and educational outlet available homosexual activists were often proven to be liars with their own words. Denial of their goals became much harder with the publication of the book “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s” by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen.

The following are excerpts taken from “After The Ball.” Think critically and ponder what they mean and how they apply and effect yourself, your family and the society we live in. Once again, don't just take my comments at face value. Think for yourself and critically analyze what the words of homosexual activists really imply...and where their implementation will eventually lead.

1)The homosexual agenda can succeed by conversion of the average Americans emotions, mind, and will, through, a planned psychological attack in the form of propaganda to the nation via media (page 153);

2) A “planned psychological attack?” What good and right thing in all of creation has ever required a “planned psychological attack” to achieve it's goal? Propaganda does not rely on factual data. Propaganda relies solely on whatever means the propagandist wishes to deploy in order to bring about his or her ends. To “convert” in this context implies that the structure of civilized society since it's inception has been 'wrong' and that homosexuality is 'right'.

3)Propaganda can be unabashedly subjective and one-sided, there is nothing wrong with this (page 163);

In short, the ends justify the means and a lie is completely acceptable method to achieve those ends. Now ponder critically all the ways and means the homosexual lobby chooses to achieve their goals.

4)Homosexual agenda can succeed by “desensitization” achieved by lowering the intensity of

anti-gay emotional reactions to a level of sheer indifference (page 153);

5)All speech that is opposing homosexual behavior should be banned under “clear and present danger to public order” (page 101)

6)All and any news or media coverage that is presents homosexual in negative form is prejudiced and invalid (page 54);

7)Everyone comes out must be prepped by a media campaign carefully crafted, repeatedly displayed mass-media images of gays (page 169);

8)“Employ images that desensitize, jam, and/or convert on an emotional level” (page 173);

9)“Gain access to the kinds of public media that would automatically confer legitimacy upon these messages and sponsors” (page 173)

10) Stage candid interviews with gays who appear as solid citizens. Subjects in commercials should be interviewed alone, not with their lovers (for now) (page 247);

11) Most people derive their impressions of the world through the national media (page 250);

12) The media campaign will reach straights on an emotional level, casting gays as society’s victims and inviting straights to be their protectors (page 187);

13) We like television because it’s the most graphic and intrusive medium for our message (page 201)

14)Over the long-term, “television and magazines” are probably the media of choice (page 204);

15)Ads must manage to get the word gay into the headline or tagline (page 207);

16)Each message should tap public sentiment, patriotic, or otherwise, and drill an unimpeachable agreeable proposition into the mainstreams head (page 208);

17)Several years down the road, our tactics will have carved out, slice by slice, a large portion of access to mainstream media (page 213)

18)In TV and print, images of victimizers can be combined with those of their gay victims by a method propagandists call the “bracket technique” (page 190);

19)The more people who appear to practice homosexuality, and the more innate it appears to be, the less abnormal and objectionable, and the more legitimate it will seem (which is why it is important to maintain claims to 10% of the population)(page 217)

20)“Ambivalent skeptics” are our most promising targets (page 176)…

21)Infer and speculate that famous historical figures were gay for two reasons: first, they are dead as a door nail, hence in no position to deny the truth and sue for libel; (page 188)

Here in a nutshell is the basis behind every homosexual character in a book, magazine, on TV or on the internet. Greater society has been undergoing this 'desensitization' with every commercial featuring a gay couple, show featuring a homosexual character, or 'public service announcement' promoting the 'normalcy' of the 'homosexual lifestyle' while avoiding entirely discussion or depictions of actual gay sex – the core part of 'homosexuality.

5)Homosexual agenda can succeed by “jamming” and “confusing” adversaries, so as to block or counteract the “rewarding of prejudice” (page 153)

“Jamming or confusing adversaries” is doublespeak for shouting down and demonizing any speech, depiction or analysis of homosexuality, painting it with the broad brush of 'prejudice.'

6)“Heterosexuals dislike homosexuals on fundamentally emotional, not intellectual grounds” (page 166)

20)It is acceptable to call people “Homophobic” or “Homohaters” if they do not agree 100% with homosexual views, opinions, or behavior. (page xxiii)

This is an example of the above 'jamming. Classic projection on the part of the writer. This pigeonholes any opposition again into the box of prejudice and allows for no possibility that many people may be opposed not to the private practice of homosexuality, but are opposed to the 'special rights' advocacy and demands of the homosexual lobby itself... among thousands of other possibilities. Thus any and all opposition is silenced.

7)“Desensitizing” is “our recipe” for converting “ambivalent skeptics”;

History buffs will note the “successful” effect of desensitization by different agenda driven organizations and groups on 1030s era Germany and Japan, 1900s Russia, 1960s-70s Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, China and even 1800s America.

8)Make victimizers look bad by linking to Nazi horror while helping straights to see gays as victims and feel protective towards them (page 221);

Again, classic projection when weighed against the above 'recipe.' Liberals always accuse their opposition of what they themselves are doing.

9)The Nazi story of “pink triangle as a symbol of victimization” should be a sufficient opening wedge into the vilification of our enemies (page 190);

History shows that the Nazi leadership was filled with homosexuals who scapegoated their 'brethren' to use them as a propaganda tool. The Homosexual lobby also attempts to link their 'persecution' to the Jewish holocaust as if a sex practice is equal to one of the world's great religions and the basis of all Christianity.

10)Show grisly victimization of gays and demand that readers identify themselves with either social tolerance or gruesome cruelty;

Stories of homosexuals beaten by straight people tend to leave out the genesis of the assault whole emphasizing the result of the freely taken action by the homosexual involved.

Growing up in a small logging town filled with burly lumberjacks, I remember an incident during hunting season when a former high-school classmate who was both gay and a more than 'passable' cross-dresser 'picked up' an unknowing hunter from another town in a local bar. Upon discovering that the object of his lust was 'similarly equipped' to himself, the hunter took great umbrage to being so tricked and proceeded to assault the cross-dresser into a state of medical emergency.

Word of the event, while never making it to the papers, spread throughout a significant area of the state through the homosexual community and shortly thereafter cries of 'Violence toward homosexuals must end!' made the rounds. Not one homosexual stepped forward and admitted that the cross-dresser had instigated the physical assault through his own 'sexual assault' of a straight person unwilling to participate knowingly in homosexual sex. This is one example. There are thousands more.

11)Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

Latent homosexuality is a term coined by the homosexual lobby to attempt to divert attention from the fact that the person involved is not actually homosexual. This is another example of demonizing any opposed to the homosexual agenda as 'homophobic,' a word and concept covered earlier.

12)Jam people by pointing out that it’s inconsistent with the reader’s belief in the value of love between individuals (page 233);

Also covered earlier, 'Love' does not require sex, or in this case 'homosexual sex.' Likewise, heterosexual or homosexual sex do not require 'Love.' Again, we see a twisting of the meaning of words and an attempt to equate two very different things.

13)AIDS epidemic should be exploited “to increase attention and sympathy” as “victimized minority.”(page xxv)

As discussed earlier, the practical and very real result of this dictate is a contaminated blood supply, dead children/adults and the spread of a plague in order to gain 'sympathy for the practicioners of homosexual sex.

14) “We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence” (page 184); In short, this is a fancy way of saying ignore the evidence and believe a lie that we tell to benefit us. There is no other logical way to read it.

15)“Muddy the moral waters”, that is, to undercut the rationalization that justify religious opposition… this entails publicizing support by moderate churches and raising serious theological objections” (page 179);

16)16) Portray opposing churches “as antiquated backwaters”, badly out of step with the time and with the latest findings of psychology (page 179);

17)31) All sexual morality should be abolished (pages 64 to 67);

18)34) Opposition to homosexual marriages is based on “family nostalgia” and “sexual guilt” based on religious/Victorian values (page 92)

As stated previously, religion is at the core of many people's rejection of the homosexual agenda, so it stands to reason the homosexual community would either try to destroy it, convert it, or co-opt it. Since the homosexual community comprises at best 5% of the total population and significantly less when it comes to adult, activist homosexuals, they are up against an insurmountable wall in attempting to destroy religion. So they have embarked on a campaign to instil homosexual and homosexual pastors in churches throughout the world who preach a Gospel significantly different to that found in the King James or other historic Bible.

Much like they have accomplished with government, this tactic allows them to corrupt religious teaching that has been in effect for over 2,000 years, replace it with a version that now paints them as 'normal' and 'regular members of the religious and secular communities and gives them a platform to spread their agenda. This successful subterfuge (read that gross lie) has resulted in a corruption of every Christian/Jewish denomination and the 'conversion of many to the 'It's OK to be gay” school of thought. It has also made inroads into Mid-East and South-East Asian religions as well, but not to the extent of their main target, Christianity.

17)Jam the self-righteous pride by linking to a disreputable hate group (page 235);

18)Gays should be portrayed as victims of prejudice…graphic pictures of brutalized gays, dramatizations of job and housing insecurity, loss of child custody, public humiliation… (page 185);

23)Heterosexuals are like Aryans and people who are against homosexual behavior are “Nazis” and “Clansman”.

24) Homosexual persecution is identical to Jewish persecution (page 57, 62, );

25) Homosexual persecution is identical racial prejudice to Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics (inferring inborn) (page 62, 73);

26) Associate gay cause with “talk about racism, sexism, militarism, poverty, and all the conditions that oppress the unempowered.” (page 181)

27) Project gays as victims of circumstance and oppression, not as aggressive challengers (page 183);

Human Rights groups have joined as active and willing participants in the Homosexual agenda by classifying opposition to homosexuality as a hate crime. Groups like the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center have attempted to equate homosexuality with civil rights as previously discussed. Note however that they don't attempt to 'accurately' link opposition to hate groups, just to link it regardless as a part of their campaign to guide the public's view. Again, as this is deceitful propaganda done knowingly, what does this say about the homosexual agenda, it's promoters and supporters?

18)The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome (page 178);

“Wear your opponent down until they give in.” The classic defense when the facts do not support your position. Again, note the sheer volume of homosexual propaganda in the news/entertainment media, music, school curriculum, religion and office discussion you encounter in the average day. Ask yourself if any other sex practice would get such a magnitude of discussion.

Picture the volume of coverage the forums in which it is presented, including your children's kindergarten class, concerning:

Bestiality, Masturbation, Necrophilia, Bondage and Discipline, Corpophagia/'water-sports,' Group Sex, Public heterosexual sex, Pony Play, Foot fetishes, Rubber and Latex fetishes, or any of the hundreds of sub-categories and variants.

So ask yourself why is it that this one particular sex practice gets all the attention? Put aside your uncomfortable reaction to the subject matter for a moment and really think critically about why it's acceptable as a male to have a water cooler discussion in the workplace about the lesbian glorification show “The L-Word” with a female co-worker, but discussing watching someone masturbate or the best way to mount or receive oral sex from a Pit-Bull is grounds for immediate termination, a lawsuit against the company and the destruction of your personal reputation?

They each involve sex practices. Take away the lesbian aspect and the L-Word is a show about celibate friends. Discussing a show about taking part in a particular sex practice has no functional difference than discussing a hardcore porno about, or participating in any other sex practice.

21)A media campaign should portray only the most favorable side of gays (page 170);

22)“Mustachioed leather men, drag queens, and bull dykes” should not appear in gay commercials and other public presentations (until later after wide acceptance) (page 183);

23)Associate and link gays to good causes and non-controversial activities (page 219);

24)In time we see no reason why more and more diversity should not be introduced into the projected image (i.e., drag queens, pedophiles, etc.) (page 186);

25)Show others accepting gays and homosexuals (page 241);

This is referred to as biased journalism in the news reporting and advocacy in any other realm. Refer back to the discussion on how far a car company would get with a media campaign featuring two men having homosexual sex on a car hood.

Now ask yourself why the homosexual lobby should be allowed free reign to spread admittedly false and misleading propaganda while denying the freedom to distribute honest, factual data to those who oppose them? Critically ponder in what other realm of civilized society is this acceptable, much less supported and encouraged? And again, what does it say about people willingly taking part?

29)American opposition is based solely on prejudiced, outdated, and hypocritical Victorian morals (page 51)

30)All scientific/medical arguments to prevent 1973 APA/AMA removal from disorder list were rooted in cultural prejudice, medieval knowledge of science/medicine, and misinformation.

Isn't it funny that for thousands of years homosexuality was considered a mental disorder/sexual deviance, but when the Communist/ Liberal Left took control of the halls of academia and openly allowed homosexuals to participate in the decision to remove homosexuality from the list that...shock and surprise, homosexuality was removed from the list and then promoted as a normal, even desirable activity? Especially when the Communist Party openly called for the 'normalization' of homosexuality as a stepping stone on the path to destroying America and made it an official part of it's platform?

Any critical look at this particular situation leads to one conclusion.

27)“Two-thirds of all boys” have rudimentary homosexual experiences (inferring most teenagers want to have homosexual sex) (page 44)

Take a look at today's 'Emo' scene among teenagers where Bi and homosexuality are a requirement for being one of the 'cool kids. The music, language, philosophy, imagery and philosophy of 'sensitivity and inclusion' are part and parcel of the 'Emo lifestyle. The peer pressure exerted by kids in the Emo scene leave many modern teens with two options. Participate in the 'culture' or be excluded and be left practically friendless. Because of the secular 'de-popularization' and destruction of religious institutions in America (see the homosexual lobby influence on media and religion above) , many kids are raised with a limited sense of right and wrong at best and a situational one most of the time. Combined with the homosexual lobby's 24/7 media and school/educational barrage saying that “It's OK to be Gay” and the latest “It gets better” advertizing featuring sports, music and TV/movie stars, modern kids are programmed to think nothing of homosexual sex and become willing participants. One result: The gay porn industry has created an entire genre devoted to gay Emo sex and has profited spectacularly.

28)“Vast majority” of homosexuals do not engage in compulsive high-risk sex (page 49)

Homosexual sex is by it's very definition, “High Risk.” This is yet another flat out lie spread by the homosexual lobby that kills people. The majority of homosexuals killed by the AIDS virus contracted it through “high risk” homosexual sex. 1+1=2. A critical thinker would ask why the homosexual lobby would advocate a deadly lie to the very people for which it advocates? One need only play a game of chess to understand how useful sacrificing a pawn to achieve ultimate victory can be. Leftists, regardless of their stripe, are not big advocates of the sanctity of life (see their belief in abortion and euthanasia) and have the history of famous leftists like Stalin, Mao and Hitler have demonstrated, they will 'sacrifice' millions of their own people, and others to achieve their goals. See also the prior discussion on an AIDS infected blood supply.

30)All homosexually suicides are based entirely on societal rejection (page xv)

A statement which relieves the homosexual lobby from culpability. Except it isn't even remotely true. It seems they forgot to mention all the AIDS related suicides, the suicides over clinical depression, suicides over financial concerns and the suicides over failed homosexual relationships. In this regard, homosexuals are no different than hetrosexuals.

32)Homosexual civil rights are “explicitly set forth in the Bill of Rights”

Nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it assess sexuality in any way, shape or form. Read it yourself. The homosexual lobby counts on the fact that most people never have and just accept the lie at face value.

33)Health concerns for AIDS prevention are unwarranted (page 91)

How is it unwarranted to be concerned that getting a 100% fatal disease through any vector is unwarranted? Pure absurdity. Yet the homosexual lobby makes many such absurd claims to cloud the issue of what it is they represent and what their goals really are.

35)Adoption agencies have been “placing kids with gay people for a long time,” as long as “you do not bring up” the fact that your gay;

36)Groups on the farthest margins of acceptability, such as NAMBLA, must play no part at all in the media campaign (page 184);

So leftists ignored the law to satisfy the desires of homosexuals and as a result, a deserving heterosexual family was denied a child and a child's mental and physical health and sexual welfare were placed in jeopardy. Now, leftists working through activist courts have codified child endangerment.

A critical thinker would ask why it is that a group of people sexually attracted you young/adolescent boys (see 'Chickenhawk” - And even younger when considering the North American Man Boy Love Association) would want to adopt them? A critical thinker would also note that the more legislative barriers destroyed, the faster the homosexual lobby achieves its agenda – the total mainstreaming of homosexuality and all that implies.

39) “Kids in gay households ultimately receive better-than-average parenting” (page 97)

According to whom? The answer comes in Ivory tower 'studies' conducted by leftists who openly support the homosexual agenda. As we have determined and they openly admit that they advocate spreading false information and propaganda, a non-biased study and investigation into any such claims is required. But information, regardless of the source is immediately denounced if contrary to the homosexual agenda as they have also openly told us.

What determination does a logical reading of this situation lead to?

40) “Gay activists have tried to manipulate the American judicial system.” Sometimes the tactic works: many executive orders (which side step the democratic process) and ordinances passed by city councils now protect certain rights (page 171);

Witness Prop 8 in California presided over by a homosexual judge (who hid his sexuality during the trial) and activist courts that have repeatedly sided with the homosexual lobby, exceeding their legitimate authority by replacing the constitutional role of the legislative branch of government and inventing laws where none existed .

62) It will be a sheer delight to besmirch our tormentors, we cannot waste our resources on revenge alone (page 189);

63)“Too many Americans share this mistrust of gay citizens” (page 55);

I cannot for the life of me understand why.

15 posted on 08/05/2012 5:33:08 PM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart

Wow, brilliant, thank you.

23 posted on 08/05/2012 7:10:32 PM PDT by kabumpo (Kabumpo)
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To: Norm Lenhart


24 posted on 08/05/2012 7:21:27 PM PDT by Incorrigible (If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
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To: Norm Lenhart

Very interesting. Thanks for posting, NL.

27 posted on 08/05/2012 8:20:57 PM PDT by Gene Eric (Demoralization is a weapon of the enemy. Don't get it, don't spread it!)
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To: Norm Lenhart

Thank you so much. I just bookmarked this in my social issues folder.

36 posted on 08/18/2012 11:04:43 AM PDT by cradle of freedom (Long live the Republic !)
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