Lets see him defend that.
“The word’s out that he hasn’t paid any taxes for 10 years,” he said. “Let him prove he has paid taxes because he hasn’t.”
Reid is an asswad.
It is the law that you file a tax return. Not necessarily that you pay taxes. 100’ of thousands of citizens never pay one cent in taxes. Then also Romney doesn’t have to prove anything to Reid who is not the IRS..
Reid is a pedophile who still beats his wife.
Let him prove he’s not.
A citizen’s IRS papers are supposedly confidential, not to be released to anyone.
This, however, is the Obama administration and Justice is run by Holder and Treasury by Geithner. Treasury oversees the IRS.
Both men are Obama stooges.
Would Geithner illegally review Romney’s records and would Holder protect him in that?
What does everyone think? Would they find it too dangerous or obvious? What would they leak and what would they not leak?
Word is out that Harry Reid is really Golem in a suit. Let him prove that he is not
All liberals are in fact communists and Reid is a perfect example. He is a little corrupt insane piece of trash.
Let me guess....Reid has his taxes done by Geithner in his spare time.
Harry Reid performs acts of fellatio on farm animals.
Let him prove he doesn’t.
Don’t Reed/Romney have a quorum of 70 or some such that they can take this unseemly squabble to?
Well, Sen. Reid is on record stating that paying taxes is “voluntary”, anyway. So what’s the problem?
Seriously though, the esteemed Gentleman from Nevada apparently needs a refresher course on the finer points of debate, seein’s how he is a member of “the world’s most deliberative body.”
The burden of proof always rests on the one making the claim. Sen. Reid therefore, needs to prove it, albeit disclosing tax information is apparently totally illegal.
Taking his diatribe onto the floor of the U.S. Senate? The truth is, Americans deserve better, or at least most of us do, for example, how about oh, say, a BUDGET? How long has that been, IN THREE YEARS??
The answer to all this is simple, Romney needs to File A Formal Complaint with the FBI and the IRS about this Blatant Felony that Senator Reid is taking part in. Furthermore since Senator Reid should know that it is a Felony being committed by his source, is he not also Guilty of Misprison of a Felony??
Reid’s lying and he knows it. All we need to know is he said it on the Senate floor. You can lie all day on the Senate floor and not commit a crime. Many do.
As soon as Reid repeats those allegations off the Senate floor then you can take him seriously because then his lies are actionable.
It’s time Romney sued the Grim Reaper for slander.
Reid is so mobbed up that he's a walking, talking blackmail machine. Axlerod and Rhambo could order him to tar and feather himself and walk naked down Pennsylvania Ave and he would do so instantly.
Read Freeper Fedora's excellent investigative thread to understand this human slimeball, and why he is willing to be a tool: he has NO CHOICE.