Something is going on.... Ras had Romney at +5 just a couple of days ago. I cant look at Ras everyday, it will make me crazy.... God Help Us
Rasmussen is a 3-day rolling average tracking poll. He denies it, but my instinct is that 1.) polling for the Republican tends to fall over weekends. I mainly pay attention to the Thursday and Friday numbers, which don't include the weekend. 2.) I take the polling numbers between Memorial Day and Labor Day with a grain of salt, because most people with jobs and families take vacations then, and are unavailable to pollsters. Summer polling should be biased towards individuals without jobs and families. Who tend to be liberals.
FWIW, I think this Pew poll is just badly done -- VASTLY oversampling 'rats -- and is therefore meaningless noise.
Zero's minions wouldn't be going berserk now if he were really ahead, would they? And they are going berserk. THIS may be what's worrying them: