To: King_Corey
“I see your hundred and raise you a billion gazillion cagillion!”
We all see your attempt at absurdity, your point would be much more effective if you used much more realistic numbers like “one hundred and eleventy billion”
25 posted on
07/29/2012 4:37:04 PM PDT by
(One half of all people have below average IQ. In the US the number is 54%)
To: dsrtsage
Is that Tobey Maguire as Keanu Reeves on SNL’s Celebrity Jeopardy?
38 posted on
07/29/2012 5:00:28 PM PDT by
To: dsrtsage
I see your hundred and raise you a billion gazillion cagillion!
We all see your attempt at absurdity, your point would be much more effective if you used much more realistic numbers like one hundred and eleventy billion
Chucky makes everything up, why not his own crazy numbers. And we usually have the elventy-seven as the maximum absurdness.
64 posted on
07/29/2012 7:18:04 PM PDT by
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