To: aimhigh
I think ROmney is wise not to bring up Obama’s educational records. Let others do that for now. We all know why Obama doesn't want to release those records and we all know that someone like Romney, who earned his good grades and his admission to HBS, will be reviled by Dems and many Independents if he brings the issue up. It's irrational, but Romney's touching the issue of Obama’s school records could rally Obama’s base, as well as sway independents against Romney.
27 posted on
07/26/2012 8:34:42 AM PDT by
To: utahagen
Yes - I am pretty sure Romney is not a Communist so I will vote for him. Obama is a Communist so I will not vote for him. Now, to all of you with the anti-Romney screeds, tell me what your brilliant plan is. And, tell me how that plan will help or not help prevent the Communist Obama from winning. You can start typing Now. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson