This is just election-year posturing, nothing will actually be passed on any changes to the tax code until the next Congress is seated in January. This action was only meant to score some points with a particular segment of the electorate.
Get all the fools on your side and you got the majority in any town.
By then, Harry Reid may not have the Senate Majority Leader seat, and there may be a new President in the White House (which is an upgrade from the White Hut it has become).
Couple of big “ifs” right there, but really, the hard part of the campaign is yet to be fought out. Pray as if it all depended on the Lord, and work as if it all depended on you.
It might.
Sensible analysis.
Something will happen - the tax cuts are expiring, so every taxpayer will pay more if nothing is done to extend all or part of the Bush tax cuts.