I see that you are from the state of Washington. Rasmussen has your state listed as solid blue, safe for OBAMA!
That means that Romney doesn't have a snowball's chance in your state. (You know it and we know it.)
What we're saying is basically what you just said. Since there's no chance at all that Romney will win in Washington State, any logic about anyone but Romney doesn't compute.
Therefore, you don't have to hold your nose and vote for liberal Romney. It isn't going to help.
You can vote your conservative principles instead...Vote for a true pro-life, pro-gun, pro-God, pro-small government conservative...vote for Virgil Goode.
Let me amend what I said... if I lived in Virginia, or any other state where it was close, I would not vote for a 3d party if there was a chance of keeping those electoral votes away from Obama.
And yet, Obama just left here this morning after yet another campaign stop to beg money from the fine but misguided folks in Bellevue. He’s slipping here... not much, but still slipping.
No matter how you slice n dice it, a vote for Virgil is a vote to keep the current POS in the W.H. There is no if, ands, or buts.
You can vote your conservative principles instead...Vote for a true pro-life, pro-gun, pro-God, pro-small government conservative...vote for Virgil Goode.
That's the thing, though - I think that a lot of these Romney supporters don't HAVE conservative principles. That's why they're so adamant for Romney now. With Romney as the nomny, they don't have to pretend to like conservatives or conservative candidates - now the Romney supporters are free to "come out of the closet" as progressives.
The last poll of WA I saw showed a single-digit race for president with Obama under 50%. I’d call WA “leans Democrat,” not “safe Democrat.”
But in an actual safely Democrat state, such as Vermont, sure, knock yourself out and vote for Goode (or for someone who, unlike Goode or Romney, is actually a consistent conservative).
However, that’s not what this thread is about. Virgil Goode partnered with his leftist friends in Virginia to gather signatures to get on the VA ballot, which only will serve to take conservative votes away from Romney and allow Obama to carry VA with 47% or 48% (and, if that happens, probably win reelection). Or are you suggesting that VA, carried by a comfortable margin by President Bush in both 2000 and 2004 (and which, before Obama carried it in 2008, hadn’t vited for a Democrat presidential candidate since 1964), is a “safely Democrat” state?