“Not ruling out a hoax” is cop-speak for “completely certain she staged it, and what a dimwit she is, too.”
Someone on thread yesterday perceptively observed that cutting the skin is NOT a factor in crime at almost any time, but is highly typical of psychologically disturbed girls and young women.
“Tolerance” and even “pride” do not make people with sexual disorders (often related to abuse) happy or stable people. Some need so desperately to believe that their misery is caused by “prejudice” or “intolerance” that they have to stage the incidents themselves. She needs to believe she’s really a victim, and she needs the outpouring of attention and support she’s receiving ... because she didn’t have a loving and secure family, with a mother and father, when that was what she most needed.
"Just one more question but doesn't doesn't it strike you as strange that the perps would go down into your basement to spray paint a neatly lettered message on your wall?"