A firefight inside an auditorium isn’t going to solve the problem. If anything, twice the number of casualties would have arisen from rounds penetrating the walls into the adjacent theaters, while perhaps half the number caused directly by the criminal.
The armed might feel more secure and in control, but not necessarily preventing less casualties. Those with more sane minds are more likely to control the results, if they are armed.
My understanding is that the theater shooter was standing in front of the screen so no one was behind him. A CCW is responsible for knowing what may be hit behind the crimminal. But, if I am in the front row and this guy walks right up to me, you can bet I am taking the shot right there. If it is other people, I would have to carefully consider. Unarmed people that chose that condition are not my responsibility, but I might help if I had a clear shot. There are so many situations like battered spouse incidents where a CCW could think they are saving a victim only to have the victim turn on them.
This is the argument of a coward, pretending to be logical. To throw out the inhibitory effect on a mass murderer being shot at while trying to kill people is idiotic. To throw out the intelligence and focus of patrons focusing their weapons on the murderer is beyond insulting. To speculate about pretended wild bullets, generalize the absurdity, and then draw a conclusion leaving the only "safe" way to handle the situation to sit there and let yourself, your family and frieds absorb bullets so they don't become strays and hit someone else, deserves horsewhipping.
That you are then argung for craven cowardice for entire populations to crawl before murderers is a social crime so vast, hell will have to be expanded to receive your wretched soul.
I hope I was clear that we will never be on the same page at the end of the day.
The key is caliber selection. Big, slow, heavy. Like .45 ACP. That generally doesn’t go through walls and cause collateral damage.
Proven wrong, one report here: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2909745/posts
Happened only 50 miles from this theater
I think you are assuming ill-trained and/or stupid concealed carrier.
If it was me in that theatre I would rather have someone shooting back.
If you theory is correct, how many people were wounded in adjacent theaters by the criminal’s bullets? I can’t even make sense out of your last sentence, maybe you could restate your position?
By shooting more people?
Causing fewer casualties, perhaps, or preventing more casualties?