“He could consider himself to be a Leprechaun.
There is no “racial category” for Leprechaun either.’
The 1964 report you posted up thread says this:
“Also beginning with 1964 ill-defined or not clearly identifiable races are assigned to race not stated. This includes such reports as oriental and yellow, which in previous years were assigned to a specific category such as other nonwhite, Chinese, or Japanese.”
So according to the NIHS, they sometimes saw “yellow” reported as a race. Is that one of the race categories?
And before 1964 a term like “yellow” or “African” would be forced into one of the specific categories like “nonwhite, Chinese, or Japanese” But after 1964 a term like “yellow” or “African” would be coded as race not stated.
And before 1964 a term like yellow or African would be forced into one of the specific categories like nonwhite, Chinese, or Japanese
And even now, whether you realize it or not, you're admitting that there was no "specific category" of "African" for anything to be forced into.
Here ya go...what "specific category" would Caucasian go in?