And this coming from a Califonian?
Let me be clear, as some how the smog did not clear out fast enough for you to understand my position.
Those here illegally now should be held accountable.
Those wishing to come here in the future from Mexico, from Mongolia, rom Upper Volta, from Sweden, should not have to fork over major bucks and wait a decade to do so.Technology is such that it is stupid to have this continue. The Feds can not continue to play this as a class game when our money goes to them to do such upgrades.The computer system where you work could probably process people wanting to enter the country faster than the Feds can.
I suspect your immigrant anscestors did not have to wait as long to become citizens. Mine from 1800’s Ireland did not have to.
No, again, I am not an illegal alien sympathizer.
I’m well aware of the atrocities visited upon us from illegals that would do us harm.
I have seen it first hand. This is why I want a saner, faster way to identify those that would come into our country.
Never mind, let’s leave it as is, as you wish. Just complain, yeah, that’ll work.
Sure you are, anyone can read back. The Internet makes a great witness.