Suggesting that someone zombied the shooter into it.
Color me skeptical, he probably was capable of getting himself into that mischief all on his lonesome, but who knows if he had a sidekick.
Interesting. Very interesting. I would put NOTHING past this current administration to achieve an objective - or even Muslims.
The video showing Holmes speaking at a science camp at Miramar College in San Diego when he was 18.
Holmes’ presentation is on “temporal illusion,” which he defines as “an illusion that allows you to change the past.” In the video, he said he studies subjective experience, calling it “what takes place inside the mind, as opposed to the external world.”
This is how he was explaining his mentor’s shared interest in fantasy versus reality in the video.
end snip
I wonder who the mentor was, and if they still played a part of this nutball. But I imagine just devoting himself to the subject could push him over the edge. Especially if he had a past he wanted changing. (Like tons of schooling and ending up at McDonalds).
Some folks dream of getting back at the kids in high school by being successful, good looking, etc. And others dream of nightmares.
The CIA was giving spiked drinks laced with LSD to innocent unsuspecting individuals in the 1950s, as agents of the government watched behind two way mirrors in hotel rooms, as their "Subjects" did the big chicken.
Did he have a roomate?
Look up MK Ultra.
Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America stated in a recent interview that he felt that it may have been a staged event, mainly because of what has been revealed by the Fast and Furious inside job.
Frankly, I don’t understand how a man like this could set up such elaborate booby traps in his apartment (and why even bother?) all on his own. That narrative is simply a lot less believable to me than an “inside job”.
Nobody can deny that the goal is civilian disarmament. Those who are working towards that goal are evil. They don’t mind killing innocent people (in the case of Fast and Furious, maybe LOTS of innocent people) to move us in that direction. More and more I get the impression that what is left of the Republic is currently run by psychopaths. Many of them will be keeping their jobs, regardless of who ends up in the WH in November.