Your boy is likely going to lose to the worst president that we have ever endured... not because conservatives refused to vote for him... but because he is just that bad. You do not cure a lethal cancer by infecting the host with another lethal cancer... even if it is slower to metastasize. I will be voting for every Conservative candidate on my ballot... mitt romney will not be one of them.
Instead of wasting your time trying to badger me into doing something that would damn my soul... go and watch the following video links. This is the pos in his own words and skin... the very man that you are attacking fellow conservatives over. We are going to need each other soon... either way this election goes... America will have to be rebuilt and made great once again. Do you think that the progressives in either party will help you?
Romney and his mommy love abortion:
Not a republican:
I am a progressive moderate:
Anti Gun and then Pro Gun:
Flip Flops:
2nd Amendment mitt is destroyed
This first sentence shows you have ZERO comprehension skills or you are a two-bit liar.
I never defended Romney. I never encouraged anyone to vote for Romney. I never said a good thing about Romney.
My post has NOTHING to do with Romney!
Either you are using liberal tactics of changing the subject or you are too dull to understand my post.
I really don't care either way.