“A lot of cities are fixin to go Detroit.”
Here in NJ you can include the suburbs as well; there was no way they could raise the property taxes to actually fund the future payouts to municipal employees (they’d go from $8K per year to $12K overnight), so they’ve been kicking that can down the road for some time (and now they have to pay the piper). The taxes already chase away potential businesses and taxpayers, so they’re really stuck. Streets are deteriorating, municipal employees are being laid off, it really is crumbling.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me but I personally think Detroit is in better shape for a recovery than many cities. They have the advantage of already being at the bottom.
They have light years to go but they have turned toward the more rational democrat choices in recent elections. Mayor Bing doesn’t get invited to union events because he’s no friend of theirs. Another sign is the skyrocketing justifiable homicide rate. People who are defending themselves are taking on major personal responsibility.
On the other hand there are constant enticements to toward liberal stupidity like farming in Detroit which is nothing more than a scam to collect billions in soil restoration grants.