That’s it! I stopped listening to all of them awhile back, you could sense their manipulation with things they didn’t touch on, or made light of.
I said screw’m let them play their game on someone who could see through them. If they can’t be honest - don’t act like you are!! I hate dishonesty and especially when they claim to be a conservative and pull that Sh^^! Go into a different career where you can maintain your dignity instead of evil controlling you - but money comes before anything for most.
That’s why I respect Palin - she is so above any and all these clowns - political and otherwise. She is NOT for sale and cannot be controlled. Epitome of honesty and integrity. And she and her family suffered greatly because of it!
It is an undeniable fact that the Hilderbeast supporters - the PUMAs (party unity my arss) - were the ones to really investigate and publish the "birther" information.
I know the Rats give the talking points to media and hollywood celebrities (it's been recorded and disclosed), but I'm not sure what kind of disclosure went to the RINOs. McLame MUST know because he went through a special process to verify his eligibility (he wasn't born in one of the 57 states).
Anyhow, fantastic work sheriff Joe!
John Gambling mentioned Arpaio on his radio program this morning, saying he didn’t learn anything new, which probably means that he thought the birth certificate was bogus from the very beginning.
Limbaugh mentioned Sheriff Arpaio this afternoon and said cryptically that he would just “let it percolate.” He also said that Obama should release his records and Mrs. Obama should come clean on her hospital job.