With almost half the nation not paying income taxes and more and more on food stamps, why would they care?
We're done. It's over. Start looking at safe havens to move to and/or move assets. Yes, I will keep fighting those bastards in DC, but it will be to no avail.
So many here expouse all their CWII or new Revolution rhetoric. I say it won't happen. The populace has been slowly adjusted to socialism. It's here now, and no one is doing a thing about it. My advice, protect your assets as things get worse.
IF, and I say again, IF enough STATES fight hard and long enough, then maybe our Republic has a chance. The voters will not change the ultimate socialist/marxist outcome that is going to strangle this great experiment. They are too stupid, ill-informed, or just want stuff. That simple. They can't see the future.
This isn’t about eligibility as much as it is creating a phony BC and passing it off as official. The cover-up is worse than the crime. The WH has committed a felony with the release of this fraudulent document.