I would pick the person who has governed a state that has remained prosperous through these horrible times and that would be Rick Perry. VP Gingrich would make me so happy as it would make the heads of the media explode and give Gingrich a platform to take them to the woodshed on a regular basis. Sarah Palin as head of DOE and EPA (Perry would combine them!) thereby frightening the soup out of libs AND the oil companies. Bolton would be Sec. of State and Herman Cain head of DHS or whatever that program is called. I hate to wake from this dream!
Your scenario would be awesome! Each person would be able to do what he/she does best and their talents and expertise could be utilized fully. I would make Herman Cain Sec. of the Treasury, though, and completely do away with DHS. It should be part of the Dept. of Defense, anyway. So many of the Departments could be combined and reduced. Why is there a Dept. of Labor and a Dept. of Commerce? Redundant! So many are left over from the 19th century and are totally unnecessary.
The big question is, who would be the Attorney General? It would have to be someone committed to the Constitution, to the Rule of Law, and who would be vigilant about prosecuting all the treasonous activity that has occurred.