>It doesn't matter. You emotional claim that Jindal was “an anchor baby” is false. His parent were in the US with the permission of the US Govt, as opposed to illegals who by definition cannot accept the jurisdiction of the US.
2. Bobby Jindal was born a citizen of the nation of India, the nation to which his parents owed allegiance.
>As stated many times, this has nothing to do with allegiance only obedience as defined in the 14th amendment.
3. How about hypothetically allowing Ahmadinejab of Iran visit the US with one of his wives pregnant and ready to deliver?
> More emotion. The 14th amendment does not allow this. Given that a child born to the president of Iran does not accept the jurisdiction of the US. Neither would the children of foreign ambassadors or enemy combatants have nbC status. Your arguments show your lack of knowledge of the 14th amendment.
4.Natural Born Citizen MUST mean something different than the phrase preceding it... citizen... referring to those who were citizens prior to the adoption of the Constitution. After the adoption of the Constitution, citzen was no longer acceptable as a standard, and something that had to have been more stringent, natural born became the standard.
>Then why don't you contact your Senators and Congressman to propose an amendment to the Constitution to define this. We all bash Roberts for writing things into the Constitution that aren't there, let's not do it ourselves.
Are you agreeing that the Constitution itself draws a distinction between (mere) citizen and "natural born citizen"? It sounds like it. (Which is good, since it is the text of the Constitution already.)
I do think there should, at a minimum, be legislation that defines responsibility for ensuring any candidate meets all the eligibility criteria and defining each of the eligibility standards. We could do that more permanently by amendment, but I have no problem with doing it initially by legislation.
>2. Bobby Jindal was born a citizen of the nation of India, the nation to which his parents owed allegiance.
Dude, are you serious?